Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Coron, Palawan: Supposedly Day 1

Palawan had always been one of the places I dreamed to set foot on.

I booked my flight to Busuanga on August 25, 2016 via Cebu Pacific, for departure on October 5, 2016, 12:10pm.

As I remember, my one way fare was 1,822.88php including the additional 15kg. check-in baggage.

Contrary to other people's bad experience with Cebu Pacific flight delays, I on the other hand had a favorable experience flying Cebu Pacific ever since. It was a surprise to me that our departure flight was delayed because Manila weather then seemed to be clear.

And so the adventure begins!

We finally boarded and took off at around 2pm-ish (I cannot remember accurately), an hour in flight we were excited to finally reach our destination.
We noticed though that we were going around in circles for a couple of minutes but I thought that's normal air traffic and that we were just waiting for our turn to land.
Then the captain spoke, apparently visibility was poor, so after 3 attempts HE IS FORCED TO ABORT LANDING, and we will be heading back to Manila!

So we were back in NAIA Terminal 4, and had to re-book for the first flight the next day.

Thank you Marbie for taking care of the re-booking process, it was a bit of a hassle re-booking for a group of 12 people (misplaced boarding passes, etc.), but praise God for Marbie's patience and quick thinking, we were able to re-book for the first flight the next morning.

Nobody went back home since it's an early flight the next morning.

Instead, we found a budget hotel to stay for the night as it was already dinner time when the re-booking was settled.

Salem Complex was just across NAIA Terminal 4.  A 5-minute walk and you're there.

We got two rooms, for the guys and gals and we each paid 500php which wasn't too bad, in my opinion.

DG Budget Hotel Salem, Salem Complex, Domestic Road | Pasay Airport Area, Pasay, Luzon 1301, Philippines

Despite being tired and hungry, everyone was still pleasant and happy, surprisingly. :) 

It was also goodbye to the half day itinerary since we didn't make it to Coron on Day 1.
But all is well. :)

This was our first decent meal for the day, sorry the photos are blurred.  Hungry, shaky hands. Haha!
After dinner, we gathered in the gals' room for our devotion night, it's such a blessing to share this supposedly stressful and hassle situation with these bunch.
Indeed, we always have a choice on how to respond to stressful situations, and choosing to remain calm and take things as they come proved to be the best option.
Haggard na ako, pagbigyan na... It's been a long day. Hahaha
Photo credits: Marbie, Stan, Vianca, Ven, Mimi, Kat

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